Our Story
Rebuilding Lives, Together
Our Mission
The mission of New Jersey Vet2Vet is to provide 24/7 support to New Jersey National Guard members, active military personnel, veterans, their families, and caregivers statewide. We aim to empower every caller to see beyond their current challenge and to help them to find resolution, regain their purpose, reach their full potential, and have a positive impact on those around them.
We do this by
- Providing superior peer support and case management services
- Ensuring equal access to resources for everyone who needs them
- Connecting callers to clinical providers in the event of a crisis
- Engaging in training facilitated by Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care and the State
- Working with providers in the community to ensure callers have access to the best and most up to date resources available to them
- Maintaining a close partnership with the New Jersey Department of Military & Veterans Affairs
Our History
The NJVet2Vet Peer Support line was created on October 13, 2005 and is the central element in a multi-faceted program developed as a collaboration between Rutgers University and the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NJDMAVA).
Through close relationships with State and Federal departments and agencies and private service providers, this partnership has greatly enhanced the minimum requirements set by the U.S. Department of Defense for the reintegration of military members returning from combat theater. University Behavioral HealthCare (UBHC), a division of Rutgers University, provides services and the technology for NJVet2Vet and coordinates the services of all participating organizations.
How you can help our heroes
Your support will change lives in powerful and practical ways